Erik Hollnagel

Ph.D., Professor, Professor Emeritus


Journal papers

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Automatisering bør tilpasse arbejdet til mennesket. Ingeniøren, 26. September, 24-26.

Book Chapters

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Fortolkning af beskrivelser af egen adfærd og selvreferenceproblemet. In: Broch, T., Krarup, K., Larsen, P. K. & Rieper, O. (Eds.). Kvalitative metoder i dansk samfundsvidenskab. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nyt Fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.

Conference Presentations

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Om viden, vidensstruktur og handling (N-21-79). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society for Psychological Research, September, Trondheim, Norway.

Conference Proceedings

Hollnagel, E. (1979). The relation between intention, meaning, and action. In: M. MacCafferty & K. Gray (Eds.), The analysis of meaning. INFORMATICS 5. London: ASLIB.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). An application of the cognitive viewpoint in the description of scientific research (N-20-79). Proceedings of the Symposium ‘Theory of Knowledge and Science Policy,’ December 13-16, Ghent, Belgium.

Research Reports

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Predictability, design, and evolution (N-18-79). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Problem structure for the NKA/KRU studies (N-4-79, NKA/KRU-P2(79)12). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). The methodological structure of the KRU-experiments: Notes on the nature of qualitative research (N-34-79, NKA/KRU-P2(79)24). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). A framework for the description of operator behaviour (N-35-79, NKA/KRU-P2(79)24). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). The conceptual structure of the KRU-experiments (N-37-79, NKA/KRU-P2(79)25). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). The relationship between elapsed time and real time in the KRU-pilot experiment (N-41-79, NKA/KRU-P2(79)41). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

Hollnagel, E. (1979). Human performance, emotions, and the cognitive viewpoint (Risø-M-2182). Roskilde, Denmark: Risø National Laboratory, Electronics Department.

This was a voluminous monograph, almost a book, that looked at how emotions ('hot cognition') could be aligned with the dominating human information processing ('cold cognition') paradigm. since this partly conflicted with the 'official' position of the lab, the report died at birth (in my interpretation, at least). It may have been well deserved.


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